Yongsheng Company helps fight the epidemic and shows its responsibility


On March 17, 2022, in order to help the "epidemic prevention and control", the company held a donation ceremony in front of the government office building in Huanglou Town, donating a total of RMB 20,000-Mr. Ji Depeng, the general manager, made the donation on behalf of the company.

yongsheng dredger

As a leading enterprise in the dredging industry in Qingzhou, the company actively responds to the national anti-epidemic measures, focuses on the safety of its own employees, and actively participates in the grid management and publicity and guidance of virus prevention and control.  This donation reflects Yongsheng's high sense of social responsibility and mission, adding courage and strength for everyone to fight the epidemic together!

mud dredger

At present, the epidemic is still ongoing, and it is still very important to do a good job in protection. This donation is a part of Yongsheng Company's heart. I hope that it can help everyone to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control measures at work, and add a contribution to the citizens.  Safe and secure.  I also hope that the epidemic will end soon and everyone can return to normal life as soon as possible.

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